When setting up an Instagram account in Hootsuite, there are two locations the account can live. What are they?
- Under Accounts in the publisher, or in Impact.
- In Insights, or within Assignments.
- Downtown or in the Suburbs.
- In a Hootsuite Organization, or as a personal channel.
- In streams, or in channels.
- In an Organization, or as a personal channel
- In Insights, or within assignments
- In streams, or in channels
- Under Accounts in the planner, or in settings
When setting up an Instagram account in Hootsuite, the Instagram account can live in two locations: As a part of the Hootsuite Organization you created, or the Instagram account can live as a Personal channel in your Private social networks. If you’re a business then it is better to add Instagram as part of the Hootsuite Organization and personal users should use their personal channel for connecting the Instagram account.