Which data table display compares report metrics to the website average?
Comparison displays a bar chart plotting the performance of the selected metrics relative to the site average.
Read more here: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1009642
You can rearrange the information in the table for certain reports by pivoting your data on a second dimension. For example, let’s say that you want to see the bounce rate and number of page views for each landing page, and then compare that data against each campaign. You would set up the following pivot table within the Behavior > Site Content > Landing Pages report.
- At top right of the table, select the Pivot button.
Three new selection menus appear above the table. - From the Pivot by selector (top left of table), select Campaign.
- From the two Pivot metrics menus, select Bounce Rate and Pages/Session so those metrics appear alongside each keyword in the table.
Data table
The lower portion of the Explorer tab displays data in tabular form. The primary dimension and metrics displayed depend on the type of report and on the metric group selected in the Explorer tab controls.
Data-table controls include:
- Primary dimension links: change the primary dimension in the report.
- Plot Rows button: add rows you’ve selected to the graph.
- Secondary dimension menu: add another dimension to the report.
To remove a secondary dimension, click X in the dimension column’s header.
- Sort Type menu: change the order of the rows in the data table. Your choices are:
- Default: basic alphanumeric sort. The default order is high to low. You can change this by clicking the column header.
- Absolute change: sorts date range comparison data by amount of change rather than absolute values
- Weighted: sorts percentage data in order of importance instead of numerical order.
- Search: display only rows matching your search term. Click advanced to define more complex filters.
- Table display buttons: change the way the data table is displayed. Your choices include:
Data: displays the data in a tabular view. This is the default table view.
Percentage: displays a pie chart, showing the contribution to the total for the selected metric.
Performance: displays a horizontal bar chart, showing the relative performance for the selected metric.
Comparison displays a bar chart plotting the performance of the selected metrics relative to the site average.
Term cloud: displays a visual representation of the performance of keywords (not available for all reports)
Pivot: rearranges the information in the table for certain reports by pivoting your data on a second dimension.
There are a few additional controls not shown in the interface map image at the beginning of this article:
- Pagination controls: change the number of rows displayed, jump to a specific page of data, or navigate page by page using the controls below the data table.
- Refresh report link: update the data displayed in the report by clicking the link located at the very bottom of the page, next to the generation date.
Understanding and interacting with the data table
The first column of the table is the primary dimension. Your data is grouped by this column. If you select a secondary dimension, that appears in the next column, further grouping your data. The remaining columns in the table are the metrics associated with the selected dimensions.
You can perform a number of actions directly on the table, such as:
- Use the checkboxes preceding a row to select that row. You can then plot the selected rows on your graph view using the Plot Rows button.
- Hover over the ? icon in a column label to see a definition of that dimenion or metric.
- Sort the table by a column by clicking the column header. Note: this is a simple ASCII sort. To perform a more sophisticated sort, use the Sort Type button.